
Showing posts from June, 2010

What is a Black Belt?

People who have never studied martial arts often ask what a student does after s/he achieves a black belt? Getting a black belt is the ultimate martial arts achievement... isn't it? Since we recently had two students promote to black belt, which takes a minimum three years of hard work and dedication, this would be a good time to share General Choi Hong Hi's words in regard to what it means to have achieved first degree black belt: Significance of first degree   First degree—expert or novice? One of the greatest misconceptions within the martial arts is the notion that all black belt holders are experts. It is understandable that those unacquainted with the martial arts might make this equation. However, students should certainly recognize that this is not always the case. Too often, novice black belt holders advertise themselves as experts and eventually even convince themselves. The first degree black belt holder has usually learned enough technique to defend himsel...
