Gift Ideas for Martial Artists

No matter what age, if the individual loves their sport, they will love a related gift. The items in the list below can be found on various martial arts supply sites-- try doing a web search for "martial arts supplies" or for the specific item you're looking for. Most importantly, shop around different sites and check prices and shipping costs before making an impulse purchase.
Martial arts gear bags are always useful. They come in various sizes, usually black.
Patches. The student can attach these to school backpacks, clothes, bags, whatever. A good stocking stuffer.
Kick pad. This is a great tool for the student to have at home for practice outside of class.
T-shirts or other clothing. Different sites offer different designs. One I like is "Don't block my kick with your head."
An extra uniform. Make sure you get a white Karate uniform-- not a Taekwondo uniform (these are often the wrong style on the web), light to middle weight. Heavy weight is for purple stripe and above.
Inspiring plaques or posters.
Stuffed animals dressed as martial artists (sometimes you'll find these in stores).
Training gear like jump ropes, gloves (we don't use them in class, but they can be used at home), warm up clothes.
The Karate Depot has personalized pillow cases and playing cards with martial arts logos.
Punching bag/target.
Books or videos (look at Barnes and Noble too for these). had a Taekwondo flag for less than $15. They also have a great selection of bags. has some great stocking stuffers on their home page. has a great selection of kicking pads and mitts.
Remember as you shop that we are not World Taekwondo, which uses full gear (head, chest, hand protection). We do use shin guards at tournaments, but that's all, so watch out for Taekwondo images that have the fighter wearing all this gear. Taekwondo students also like Karate imagery and symbols, as well as Kung Fu or other martial arts symbols.